Christmas 2020 title

Christmas 2020

My Christmas project for 2020 has been writing out the Christmas story in Textura script. I took the version from Lucas (2) and divided the text in seven sections.

All is written with quills, using a regular blue ink (no brand name) which I bought from a 2nd hand store. Just some of the initials are written with a pointed nib, drawn with wonderful shiny golden pigment.

Reference was a manuscript from the 14th century. The source is available online, but here is a screenshot for a quick impression. My aim was to match the wonderful quadrangles on the headline of the x-height as close as possible.

Source: The Pontifical of Renaud de Bar, France, Metz or Verdun, c. 1303-1316, MS 298

And here are some photos of my final Christmas poster, including making of:

I am wishing you a wonderful Christmas time!
May you all be happy and save.